Friday, 23 September 2016

School Germs

This week my Son started with a cold, it doesn't take long after there back to school for the germ sharing to start!!

So yesterday, to be blunt, there was way too much snot to send him to school.

Today he seemed a little better but wasn't well enough for school (so he said)

So to blow away some of the germ we headed out for a sneaky walk 
(I say sneaky because I was brought up to believe that if you're too ill for work/school you shouldn't leave the house!!)

It wasn't just the two of us, we have a house guest this week!!

This is my Mum and Dads dog, on holiday with us whilst my Mum and Dad are on there holidays

One thing I have realised is that holding the lead and trying to take photos is nearly impossible, much better to hand her over to the 'sick child'

We had a lovely walk, super fast, stop and sniff, super fast, stop and sniff...... 

Back home and they are both lounging in front of the TV, peace at last.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Quilt stack

The trip to the Great Northern Quilt Show started me thinking 
about another quilt. . . .

I gathered up some of the quilts I have hanging around and decided to get a few photos. . . 

The quilt above isn't mine, It belongs to my Daughter. She was given it by my Mum just after she was born and its been on her cot then bed ever since!

My interest in sewing has always been there but several years ago I decided to have a go at making a quilt. The quilt above is my first quilt (I also made a mini version)

Lots of sewing later and I made my Daughter another quilt.
(There's a bit about it here and here)

Going away from girl colours, I made my Son a quilt, making it up as I went along!!

Last year I made a 'Bed Runner' sort of thing to go along the bottom of our bed.
(Some thing that you make, you enjoy and look forward to seeing the finished item. This project I soon fell 'out of love' with, I didn't really enjoy making it and only finished it so I could start something new)

So back to looking through my new book, mulling over ideas. . . . .

Thinking, I'm sure I've made another quilt. . . . . 

I realised I was sat on the one shown above, we have it on the back of our sofa.

I've spent the afternoon looking through my Blog and I've actually made lots of stuff in the last few years!!!
 But what to make next? I'd really like to use fabric from my stash, maybe I need to keep looking at my books and have another cup of tea!

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Give the girl a seat.

Before the summer holidays my Daughter had a incident with her chair!!

She said due to the amount of homework she gets, she had overused her chair and split it!!

It should have been a simple fix, but it got put off and put off.

Last week, with the homework season looming, we had a trip to the fabric shop to buy some sturdy fabric.

The plan was to 'wing it', you know, when you start in a rush with no real plan other than to get it done.

In an effort to make it strong I nearly made it too fat to fit the grooves, but with an extra pair of hand to thread the fabric and dowels into the grooves, it was done.

So the finished chair, ready for testing . . . . 

Don't sit like that, sit nicely . . . . 

And don't just sit in the middle of the kitchen, be off with you child . . . . 

Saturday, 3 September 2016

The Great Northern Quilt Show

So yesterday we had a final day out of the summer holidays.

It was just my Mum, Me and My Son. (My Daughter was back at school)

I think you can guess from the photos, it was a 'sewing' based day out.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday its the Great Northern Quilt Show at the Great Yorkshire Showground Harrogate.

The show is now in a fancy new show hall, with plenty of light and space.

The quality of the work on show really does get better and better every year

I especially love the primary colours set against a white background.

And I also really like the dark, neutral background of grey.

All the quilts on show are to such a high standard.

The hours and hours of work that must go into them.

The red and white colours below really appeal to me, the entire quilt was made using traditional paper piecing. That in itself is truly amazing, then add in that all the blocks are different and you really do have a show winner.

So do you want to see the piles and piles of fabric I bought?

Well I think I might be suffering from a 'illness' because I didn't buy any fabric!! 
I know shock, horror!! 

I did come home with a beautiful book, a couple of  leaflets/cards of websites I want to look up and the 'Kinder egg bribes' I bought for my Son to keep his energy up and his whining level to a minimum.
He was really good, as always, but he did nearly knock himself out when trying some crazy move while getting out of the car!!

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Butterfly House

Its a sad day today, its the last day of the summer holidays for my Daughter 
(My Son is off tomorrow, back to school Monday)

We needed to get out of the house.

My Daughter is 14 so when asked where do you want to go, she said 'Not bothered'
My Son is 10 so when asked where do you want to go, he said 'Ooh lets go to the butterfly house, I want a butterfly to land on me!!'

A little while later . . . 

After buying picnic stuff. . . . 

Having a quick lunch in the car. . . . 

Walking up the big hill . . . . 

Feeling super hot and overdressed. . . . . . 

After, what seemed like hours of trying . . . 

A butterfly did NOT land on my son!!!!

But we did have a lovely day.
The weather was perfectly clear and you could see the hills of the Lake District in the distance.

We have another day out planned for tomorrow after we send Daughter off to school !!!