Wednesday, 29 July 2015

The First Day Out with Plastic People

So for a summer holiday challenge, we are taking plastic people on our days out . . . .
Would you like to meet them?

On the back row we have, wearing a purple top, is my daughter!! 
Next to her is Me, I'm wearing a hat!!!
At the front is my son (responsible for character allocation)

On the back row are my Mum and Dad (dressed as Cops) and also my Sister (also dressed as a Cop).
The two robbers wearing shades are my nephews!!

On lots of trips it will just be the three of us with guest appearances from our companions.

Anyway, we headed out for a walk this afternoon.The weather was glorious!!

The pace is pretty fast with three young boys racing ahead. 

I did get chance for a few close up shots, I'd be interested to know what the yellow flower is!

We also found a beetle, which the boys happily caught!!

The children did separate off, the boys, well they did boy things . . . . .
And my daughter tried to finish her library book, which she got yesterday and carried around in her pocket. 

We had a great afternoon.

The boys all had a selection of  new bumps and scratches.

My Daughter finished her book.

I took lots of photos.

And the Plastic People got a lovely day out.


  1. A wonderful family walk, the plastic people made me smile what a great idea.

    1. Hopefully the plastic people will have lots of exciting days out !!!

  2. Nice photos Sarah, it looks a great place, where did you walk?

    1. We headed out into the hills above the small village of Chipping, in the Ribble Valley. Have you any idea what the bug/beetle was in the jar?

  3. That's a lovely place to walk - I'll have to add Chipping to my list. There's a woman at work who has taken a small teddy on all of her travels around the world to photograph him there! I look forward to seeing the lego people's travels! x

    1. I don't think our plastic people will travel the world, maybe just around Lancashire!! Sarah

  4. That's a great idea! Will look forward to seeing the adventures of the Lego family. The beetle is burying beetle, Nicrophorus investigator I think.

    1. Thanks Louise, I'll have a look on the net for burying beetles!! Sarah
