Friday, 5 October 2012

Wall Hanging

So today started as many days do. A bit of tidying up (nothing too strenuous, a house can be too tidy). Then I thought maybe a bit of sewing. Some of my sewing stuff was still out from my bag making the other day.

The book I bought a while ago, Scandinavian Stitches by Kajsa Wikman (she also has a blog, its in my list - Syko). I also had the pretty little hanger and lots of small/scrappy fabric.
The basic idea I took from the book then added the word 'Home' and the tabs for the hanger. All the fabric is unhemmed and sewn into position with black straight stitch (no changing cotton all the time and running out of bobbins)

I'm really pleased with the finished wall hanging and I'm already planning more!!!
(p.s. the finished position will be in the hall way not on the grotty old ironing board)