Sunday, 7 May 2017

Let the sun shine. . .

The weather today was glorious.

Sunday mornings are often filled with jobs, shopping, washing, ironing, homework . . . 

But this afternoon I decided we all needed to get out!!

Having Penny does encourage the children, but its often still a challenge.

Penny couldn't understand why the sheep all ran from her. . . . 

Having the dog also sets a steady pace, she really can move!

Taking photos, I often get left behind.

Getting good photos of children is difficult but a dog that never stays still. . . well I've no chance!

This week my Son has his SATS test at primary school.

All I've heard about from school for weeks and weeks is SATS and I'll be glad when its all over.

Loading children up with homework, week in week out, even over the school holidays, all for SATS

So roll on Friday when we will be mainly eating cake.

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