Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Potty about bugs!!

Day 2

Today we've had more winter weather here in the UK, not great considering its June.

Its 6:30 and we've done nothing wild. . . . . 

Maybe a bug hunt.

We headed out into the chilly garden with some muscle (my other half), pencil and paper (for me to take notes) and eagle eyed boy (for bug spotting).
Then we went around the garden lifting up plant pots and checking out who lives beneath.

We spotted - ants, slugs, worms, millipede and loads of woodlice.

Happy Hunting


  1. I think your bug hunt more than counts as something wild, especially given this lousy weather.

    1. If the weather improves, we'll have a look in the plant pots. It was a pretty rushed bug hunt before the rain !! Sarah

  2. Yes, I'm with Ian - you made the effort to get out and do your wild thing! I bet the eagle eyed boy had a great time!

    1. We will be doing another bug hunt!! We might try one on a day out at our local country park. Sarah

  3. Sounds like fun but it needs to be a little warmer before I would want to join in. Fingers crossed for better weather.

    1. My son wants to do dancing in the rain, now that could be chilly. Sarah
