Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Buzz off. . .. .

Day 16

Can you see the Bee in the photo below? No nether can I. 
They move pretty fast.

I followed the Bee back to the nest
 (I already knew they had taken over my nest box thingy)

We watched for some time, they seem to shoot off into neighbouring gardens. It makes me want to rethink our garden flowers. The clematis which surrounds the bird box must not be any good, as they flew straight past!!

I tried to get some photos so we could identify it in our garden wildlife book, but I'm still not sure.

If anyone out there knows what sort of Bee it is, please let us know!!!


  1. A lovely 30 days wild activity! I think these are tree bumblebees.

    1. Thanks Louise, I just had a look at tree bumblebees and I think you're right. Unfortunately it's not in our book!! Sarah

  2. Tree bee I think like Louise said, they do like to nest high up and will often use nest boxes, it's what we have nesting in the pipe at the top of the house. Have a read up on them it's quite interesting, It was first spotted in the New Forest in 2001, but it is spreading at a rate of about 12,000 sq km (4,500 sq miles) each year. Look at BWARS and you can record the nest with them.
    Good post.
    Amanda xx

    1. Thanks Amanda, I'll have a read up on them. Sarah

  3. Great post, super Bee photos.

  4. You have done really well to capture a photo, as you say they move so quickly.

  5. I love to draw bees but sadly have no idea which is which! We grew some Angelica a few years ago and it was smothered in them...
