Thursday, 28 May 2015

Sunshine and showers.....

So this week we have been dodging showers camping in the Lake District.

We booked a few nights at Hawkshead Hall and crossed our fingers the weather would be kind.

We had 'sunny with a chilly wind' sort of weather.

The children went through LOADS of clothes.

And now we are back the washing machine is a constant hum, load number four I think. . . . . 

Hope everyone's having a lovely half term.


  1. Sounds like a fun, a little too cold for me yet.

    1. It was pretty cold in the night, luckily we brought winter PJs. Sarah

  2. Nice to see the kids just playing and out side, make the most of it. I will be honest I can't stand camping, been there got wet, cold, eaten by midges... not any more. I need a place were I can put the kettle on and go for a pee without a torch...
    Amanda xx

    1. On Wednesday evening it was pretty rainy, so I went to the toilet block in the car!! It wasn't far but I just couldn't face getting wet. Sarah
