Friday, 3 July 2020

May and June

The last few weeks have flown by.

I've done lots of walking with Penny.

As a family we've stayed close to home.

The homeschooling is now the normal.

I've enjoyed lots of tea in the sunshine.

Penny is in desperate need of a hair cut.

When she is dry, I don't mind her long hair, but we've had some rainy day walks and she's just like a sponge.

She looks pretty miserable in her photo but she loves a walk no matter what the weather.

My Fabric Taxidermy Instagram account turned one.

And my Daughter turned 18 !

We had a very lucky afternoon with the weather and had lots of family visit.
We are still eating the cake....

Friday, 1 May 2020

A quick look at April

So its May already.
April has flown
 by . . . . 

Earlier on in April I made myself a chicken using some scraps of fabric. . 

Quite a lot of head scratching and  lots of ironing.
(Then I put it back in the sewing cupboard. I think at the moment its about keeping busy and the fact its unfinished or practically useless doesn't matter) ) 

I've spent a lot of time in the sunshine, drinking tea and chatting with the rabbit. 
(First sign of madness is talking to yourself, not sure what it means when you talk to the Rabbit)

The children did a bit of baking. Just look at the difference, that boy has grown!

The green house is full of seed trays. Lots of my seeds where out of date but worth a shot.

BB8 (the rabbit, named after a starwars character) had a little photo shoot, he was very difficult to manage. Wouldn't sit still and just wanted to run off with the apple!

I did a little bit of hand sewing.

I made a little piggy

I watched a tutorial over on Instagram from Matt Sewell
 and then did a couple of Goldfinches myself.

Following on from my homemade gift for my niece last month, I made my Mum a Birthday card.

 And also a small gift.

And for the last make of the month, I made a letter H for our garden. Our surname begins with H and as soon as it's dry I'll position it somewhere. 

This months I've also -

Just taxed my car even though I'm going nowhere!

Continued to home school my Son. I really don't want him to fall behind but we have very different ideas about study time. His attitude at the moment is great, so we are bumbling along. I appreciate I'm only teaching one child and have lots of respect and admiration for parents who have more than on child to teach.

April was going to be a month with lots of hospital appointments and treatment for my son, but they've all been cancelled. I didn't really want to visit the hospital but I'm also worried about leaving all his treatment without knowing when it will startup again. I'm watching him like a hawk, terrified his CRMO (Chronic Non Bacterial Osteomylitis) will flare up.

We've all had to get use to a new way of family life. This includes my partner working from home. His work computer has taken over the living room and there seems to be constant video calls going on, making it a no go area.

This month I've become a dog groomer! Poor old Penny has had her hair cut and I don't think shes happy. But whilst on a roll, I also trimmed my Sons hair and he said its fine.

My Mums Birthday was in April and we couldn't really celebrate. We did pop round early in the morning and put up banners and balloons outside but sadly it wasn't followed by a family party.

My Daughter has officially finished college. She isn't revising for her A levels as she planned but putting her faith in the work shes done so far and hoping for the results she wants. She has been furloughed from her part time job and now spends her days playing Animal Crossing on her Nintendo.

We are now only shopping one day a week and I've just used the last tea bag.
 I'm drinking way more tea that I use to and I'm no longer enjoying a cuppa with friends.

I've spent a lots of time on the phone with my family this month, discussing what we're up to -nothing. But phone calls to my younger sister are now called 'teacher conferences' because shes also home schooling.

Anyway its the start of May today, a new month.
Today we've done some maths - volumes & trigonometry, we've discussed religion in the media and learnt about Scientology.
At 2:00 there is another tutorial over on Matt Sewells Instagram page.
But before all that I need to clean up dog vomit. . . . 

Stay Safe - Stay Home

Friday, 3 April 2020

Bye Bye March. . . .

March has flown by and its been a roller coaster of a month.

At the end of February I had enquires from two companies about some design work and one was an immediate start.

I got some stylish new shoes (borrowed from my sister) ready for the site visit.
The visit went well and I was excited about the project, then the site shut to all contractors.
The project has been postponed until things are back to normal, which could be.... I don't know!

In march I've drunk a lot of tea and tried to be busy.
Above is a colouring sheet from Johanna Basford  that I downloaded, 
the perfect accompaniment to go with your tea.

Also in March, my Sketch and Chat group at the local library was cancelled.
(Perfectly understandable considering)
So on a Friday afternoon I'm determined to carry on sketching and will be adding some of my 'attempt' to my Instagram page.

Way back before I had children, I loved to do jigsaws (very rock and roll).
Added to that, I'm not very good at getting rid of stuff, so in the depths of the garage I found a box full of jigsaws. 

Unfortunately the first one I picked wouldn't fit on the board, so its only partially finished. 

In a typically British fashion, I mush mention the weather we had in March.
Perfect for drinking tea outdoors. . . . . 

And spending time chatting with the family rabbit, BB8 
(Named by the children after a Star Wars character)
Yes, one of the first signs of madness is talking to the rabbit!!

At the end of March was the first family birthday since social distancing started.
For a bit of fun I decided to make my niece a lovely Luna Lupin Bunny.

This worked really well because my teenage son gets quite distracted whilst 'home schooling'.
As soon as he sit down he sees something that's needs doing, like playing with the dog, going to see the rabbit, etc 
So sitting with him at the table keeps him on track!

Then the finished rabbit was dropped off, on her doorstep, whilst on my daily walk!
(Its like the old game where you knock on the door then run away)

During March I made the decision to temporarily close my Folksy Shop.
Taking parcels to the post office doesn't feel like an essential trip, so for now I'm closed.
You can still pop over to the shop for a browse and I'll open again as soon as possible.

The most important thing for us all to do is stay safe.

Saturday, 29 February 2020

Happy Leap Year Day

I can't believe its the end of February already!

I would normally say February is a quick, short month but this year its dragged on and on.

On the first of the month my partner got, what I thought was, a nasty cold.
But it turned out to be flu and he was admitted to hospital. 
When he was released from hospital he had another couple of weeks home from work to recover.

We also had a trip to Alderhey Childrens Hospital with my 'smallish boy'.
(My son will always be my baby boy, hence the smallish boy title, but he is actually taller than me now)

On a more positive note, I had a lovely day out in Harrogate over half term where we visited the 
Spring Quilt Show. 

I got a lovely selection of things from the show and I used them straight away!
I made up one of my purse frames, perfect for nipping to the shops or library, when you don't want your 'big purse' 

I also got some fabric for my Puffins fish.
(not something you say everyday)

He is about to go into my Folksy Shop along with some of my new Bunnys and Chickens

And through all the ups and downs this month, my trusty companion has been by my side!
Well actually shes normally under my feet, just ready to trip me up.

Friday, 31 January 2020

Is it too late for Happy New Year?

Is it too late to say 'Happy New Year'?

The school year started well, with both children back at school / college and me & Penny off for a bracing walk on the fell.

Unfortunately my Son wasn't well and spent a few days at home.

He doesn't have lots of time off due to his illness but if he is off its no Xbox or Computer.
(I am a bit mean but I don't think staying home from school should be lots of fun)

We had a few doctors / hospital appointments. But our days mainly involved completing  a couple of jigsaws and watching a lot of TV.

We did get out for some fresh air with Penny. 

On a more upbeat note, we did enjoy the opening of a new exhibition at Arteria in Lancaster, which features some of my animals.

The sewing machine has been out (a lot)

For Christmas my daughter got me a new phone case featuring Totoro from Studio Ghibli.

So I thought I'd make myself a new shopping bag to match! 

I've done more sewing. . . . . 

A couple of swans to order and a couple for my Folksy shop

Another order, for a new babies nursery.

I also scaled up my whale and using some denim made this lovely chap.

Perfect for a little boy!

I had a day at Lancaster University.

My Daughter had an interview and we spent the rest of the day in lectures.
(Its decades since I did my degree and one day in lectures and I was shattered)

I needed a bucket of tea when we eventually got home.

And today the last day of January 2020, I'm making triceratops!